"Rare Earth Magnet" の検索結果 199 件

  1.  These can contain custom messages like logos and pictures

    These can contain custom messages like logos and pictures

    Car and refrigerator magnets are a safe bet since all customers will find them useful. Small businesses usually leave it in the hands of the printer as they are more experienced and are seasoned pr...

  2. Using this method to remind about yourself

    Using this method to remind about yourself

    Nowadays, a lot companies have a modern printed magnetic cards as a corporate accessory and a sign of good taste. It is pretty convenient, for example, to order sushi or pizza without plunging into...

  3. Sustainable Clothing

    Sustainable Clothing

    China Eco Fiber is passionate about creating beautiful eco friendly sustainable ethical clothing. Ecological clothes are of timeless style and long-lasting quality. From linen dress, woolen coat, t...

  4. Sintered Neodymium Magnets

    Sintered Neodymium Magnets

    Sintered neodymium magnet is the strongest magnetic material commercially available today. It is largely made of alloy of neodymium, iron and boron, and the chemical formula is Nd2Fe14B. Sintered N...

  5. 代々木公園の青空市


    週末、冬晴れの代々木公園の一角で青空市が開かれ人々がゆったりと行き交っていた。年末には「青の洞窟」のイルミネーションが人気を呼んでいたNHK脇のケヤキ並木で「earth garden」という青空市が開かれ、約60の個性豊かなショップが並び、行き交う人の目を楽しませ、更に並木道の奥の広場にはベトナム料理の屋台も出て多くの人が週末の公園をエンジョイしていた。

  6. 年始年末に読んだ本から(3) ~超圧縮地球生物全史~

    年始年末に読んだ本から(3) ~超圧縮地球生物全史~

    ウォーキングの途中にあるペット・シッターの店、看板猫の「オミくん」はいつもハンモックにすっぽりくるまって寝ている。それを見ると、最近よく見る「猫は液体である」というCMが思い浮かんだ。(写真はNETより拝借) 「猫は液体である」。2017年、フランス、パリ・ディドロ大学の物理学者、「マーク・アントワン・ファルダン/Marc-Antoine Fardin」が、論文「On the rheolo...

  7. How PVC refrigerator magnets are made

    How PVC refrigerator magnets are made

    How PVC refrigerator magnets are madePVC refrigerator magnets are one of those things we all take for granted. They’re just there, on our fridge doors, holding up our kids’ school pictures or that ...

  8. Waterproof Magnets With Parylene Coated

    Waterproof Magnets With Parylene Coated

    A kind of high polymer thermoplastic polymer, which consists of monomer p-xylene uniformly distributed in the gap and surface of the coating under vacuum, and then polymerized is parylene coating.P...

  9. Waterproof Magnets

    Waterproof Magnets

    MEANK provides a range of waterproof plastic covered neodymium magnetsin bulk. As a kind of rare earth strong magnet material, sintered ndfeb rubber magnetis widely used in various fields because o...

  10. Rubber Magnets

    Rubber Magnets

    Rubber Magnets for SaleFlexible rubber magnet belongs to ferrite magnetic material series,and known as ferrite rubber magnet. It is made of bonded ferrite magnetic powder and synthetic rubber by ex...

1 - 10 / 総件数:199 件